North Korean Women and Defection
Human Rights Violations and Activism

- Buch
- Lim, Hyun-Joo
- Bristol University Press, 2024. - xii, 189 Seiten
Presenting in-depth accounts of North Korean women defectors living in the UK, this book examines how the harrowing experiences they endured and their utopian dream of a better future for fellow North Korean women have become an impetus for their activism. Recent North Korean diaspora has given rise to female refugee groups fighting for the protection of women’s rights. Presenting in-depth accounts of North Korean women defectors living in the UK, this book examines how their harrowing experiences have become an impetus for their activism. The author also reveals how their utopian dream of a better future for fellow North Korean women is vital in their activism. Unique in its focus on the intersections between gender, politics, activism and mobility, Lim’s illuminating work will inform debates on activism and human rights internationally.