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Workshop für Schüler_innen im C3

Guided Tours & Workshops

In guided tours and workshops, we explain how to use our library, impart the subjects of our work and train skills for successful research together. These services are free of charge and address groups such as school classes, students or teachers. All services can be carried out both on site in the library and online.

Mitarbeiterin der Bibliothek mit zwei Nutzer_innen bei der Recherche

Guided tours

We offer guided tours in the library. In addition to a thematic introduction we give an overview of our premises and explain how to use the library, borrow items, book services or browse our collections.

Jugendliche in der Bibliothek vor PC


In training courses, we provide an introduction to scientific literature research: By using practical examples and the means of interactive methods, we show you how to research efficiently, assess your results and handle your sources. Training courses also include a tour of the library.

zu sehen ist eine Gruppe junger Menschen in einem Seminarraum. Sie sitzen an Tischen und arbeiten schriftlich etwas aus.

Workshops for schools

In two-hour workshops, we show how international development might be a topic for a pre-scientific thesis and develop leading questions using everyday examples. We also train information literacy and practice research in a scientific library.