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Legal notice

C3 – Centre for International Development
Sensengasse 3
1090 Wien

Media owner and publisher:
Austrian Foundation for Development Research – ÖFSE
Sensengasse 3
1090 Wien
Tel.: + 43 1 317 40 10

Responsible for contents:

Concept und programming: floatwork

Photos: Andrew Phelps; Helmut Wimmer; ÖFSE, Karin Sumetzberger, Elisabeth Bolius, Philine Zech Photography.

Disclaimer: ÖFSE accepts no liability for the accuracy and topicality of the contents on this website. We are also not liable for the content of third parties. ÖFSE is not responsible for the content of other websites referred to via links. The mention of organizations is expressly made without any claim to completeness. Furthermore, the mention does not constitute a recommendation from ÖFSE.