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Ausschnitt Bücherregal in der C3-Bibliothek

Subject Areas & Collections

C3 Library offers a wide range of media on international development, women*gender and global education.

Multimedia collections comprise more than 70,000 printed items, about 30,000 e-books, 600 e-journals, 100 subscribed printed journals, an archive of about 1,000 journal titles, 8,000 didactic materials and more than 800 films. This makes C3 Library the largest library in Austria on these subjects. We constantly expand our collections. We also welcome your purchase requests.

You can discover all of our items online and use our digital library collections.
Regularly we recommend selected titles on focus topics and from our latest acquisitions.

Zeitschriftenbestand im C3

Our subjects

We focus on global relations, social justice and sustainable development:


  • development policy & development cooperation
  • international feminist theories, Women in Development, Gender and Development, global women rights, inter/transnational women and LGBTIQ+ movements
  • current developments in the Global South
  • globalization, migration, climate and environment, education, diversity, labour rights and human rights
  • multilingualism and language education
Regale mit Büchern in der Bibliothek

Our collections

Our collections contain both physical and digital resources:


  • academic literature, reports, materials, theses, nonfiction, posters
  • international journals on development and feminisms
  • didactic and educational materials and games
  • feature films and documentaries with didactic preparation material (incl. streaming)
  • novels from the Global South
  • picture books and children’s books
zwei Workshop Teilnehmer*innen, die die frauen*solidarität lesen.


C3 Library is home to the most comprehensive collection of international journals on development and feminisms in Austria. You can discover all of our journals via the search engine C3Search+.

Schüler_innen beim Workshop in der C3-Bibliothek


Our movies for educational settings address global relations and provide insight into the life of people all over the world. More than 70 of these movies are available as stream and come with didactic preparation material.

Die Hosts des C3-Radios, Emma Sandner und Phillip Strobl


C3-Radio broadcasts talks and discussions on current global issues every first Monday of the month on free radio station Orange 94.0 and on-demand. In interviews and snippets from events held at C3, you will hear voices from different communities: students, pupils, activists, researchers and policy makers all have their say on C3-Radio.
