Digital Library
E-Books, e-journals and e-resources
By using C3Search+ you can discover e-books and e-journals as well as numerous other e-resources on our key subjects. Use the Sie den Filter “Full Text Online” facet in order to display digital content only.
While many of our digital contents are open access, others are licensed. Those can be used on-site or via remote access provided you have a valid library card.
Remote access tutorial

Our movies for educational settings address global relations and provide insight into the life of people all over the world. Most of them last below 50 minutes and are therefore especially suitable for classroom use, but also extracurricular education. More than 70 of these movies are available as stream and come with didactic preparation material. All you need for streaming is a valid library card.

Selected learning resources on C3Bib+ platform
C3Bib+ platform offers a clear introduction to books, e-books, videos, podcasts and websites on global sustainable development, information literacy and (pre-)scientific work. Our librarians select media and organize them according to topics such as flight and migration, natural resources or international climate policy in order to support your pre-scientific work.
Apply for a library card online
You can easily apply for a library card even if you can’t come to the library in person. Fill out the application form and send it via email along with a picture of a valid photo ID.