C3-Radio, the development policy radio from the Centre for International Development. Our radio hosts Emma Sandner and Phillip Strobl shed light on current development policy topics for our listeners once a month. With interviews, reports, background information, and excerpts from the extensive event program at C3.
Every first Monday of the month on Radio Orange (8:30 pm to 9:00 pm) and on all major podcast platforms.
Current episodes

Skills for Green and Just Transisitions
The current edition of C3 Radio highlights the importance of green skills – competences that promote the transition to a sustainable and just society. Vocational education and training, which can be key to this transition, is of particular importance. Challenges, particularly in the Global South, and the need for social justice in the transition are discussed.

40 Years of Journal for Development Policy (JEP)
The Mattersburg Circle for Development Policy has been publishing the Journal for Development Policy (JEP) for 40 years now. C3-Radio is taking this anniversary as an opportunity to take you on a short journey through time. Companions talk about the history and development of the journal and about current challenges.

20 years of Paulo Freire Centre
Since 2004, the Paulo Freire Centre has been transferring the ideas and teachings of the Brazilian liberation pedagogue Paulo Freire into its critical educational work. This year marks the 20th anniversary of the Paulo Freire Centre. For the upcoming episode, C3-Radio spoke with companions about Paulo Freire’s thinking, the history of the centre and current problems in critical education.